Establishing a Dedicated and Topical eBook Delivery Platform for IT Professionals in Healthcare

Establishing a Dedicated and Topical eBook Delivery Platform for IT Professionals in Healthcare

  • Industry:
    Education, Healthcare, Publishing
  • Offerings:
    Learning and Content Services, Products and Platforms


The client uses information technology and management systems to improve quality, safety, affordability, and accessibility to healthcare. It wanted a publishing platform for healthcare professionals to easily access content and a dedicated eBookstore with B2B and B2C sales models.


Impelsys used the iPC Scholar platform to develop a branded portal for the client to host their eBooks, enabling flexible authentication options and sales across business models. Additionally, a dedicated team provided institutional sales support.


The solution helped the client’s users easily access relevant content on an intelligent online platform, with features such as offline reading and powerful search functionality, enabling them to stay on top of current technology and standards.

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